It's an exciting time planning a wedding and for us we couldn’t escape the idea of getting married in our church. We were unsure at first because of the industrial canvas that we had to work with, but quickly our hearts were set. Once we had our vision, we approached a few amazing people in our church family who were more than excited to make our special day come to life. A special thank you to those that put in some very long hours and late nights in the Auditorium hanging lights and hardware. The day came and it was perfect. We got married in the round with our friends and family all seated around us. The auditorium was transformed with festoon lighting and muslin drapes strung around an arrangement of chandeliers to bring it all together. It was a memorable occasion for all, unique in every way and we are so blessed by everyone who came together to celebrate with us. 

  • Mike and Sammy Sheldon 


In the last year we’ve been able to host three church parties here at The Bridge. The purpose of our church parties is to bring the family together to celebrate and to do life together. It’s amazing how many people turn up when there is free food involved! We have had up to 170 people attending our parties, which is roughly 50% larger than our average Sunday service, and we expect that number to grow as we continue to host events. This makes these parties a valuable connection point for those in and on the fringes of our church community. 

  • Kat Morgan 


We’ve hosted our Sunday services in different places over the years, each representative of important chapters in the life of our church.

Meeting in Event Cinemas for 7 years marked a growth in our social awareness. God was enlarging our heart for our community – compelling us to share the Gospel boldly.

Being in the heart of Westfield was always about presence. Thank you Jesus, for your work in us.


As I reflect on the significance of our current moment, and having our own facility, God’s work has been obvious. It has marked a growth in relational richness, and intergenerational connectedness.

The blessing of having our own space has meant that fellowship and friendship flow more naturally. We’re not rushed to pack-down or move on. We’re not fragmented into smaller groups of the same age, gender or life stage.

Instead, Sunday’s have become a eclectic and messy mix of people. We’re able to linger long after the service finishes. More than socializing, it’s a nod to our mutual bond and collective journey towards Christlikeness.

Countless coffees, deep listening, knowing, praying, tears, joy and laughter. It’s family!


Personally, my favourite feedback about our church in recent months has been how welcoming and hospitable people are. Not just on Sundays. People have opened their lives and their homes to new people.

This is a real credit to God’s work in us, and it makes me glad. How blessed we are to have a space to call ‘home’.


  • Josh Wengi