We believe in the power of prayer.
As a church, we seek to live prayerfully for one another, our community, and our neighbours. Through prayer we grow in relationship with God.
We believe in God’s community of believers, the church and its responsibility to spread the message of the Gospel to all people and nations.
As a church, we teach others to follow Jesus in the everyday stuff of life.
We believe the Bible is the inspired word of God. Powerful, practical and God breathed. Like a compass it helps us navigate the complexities of life. Ultimately, the Bible leads us to the Word become flesh – Jesus.
As a church we seek to grow in Gospel fluency by being people who are immersed in the Bible and community.
We believe in God, the Creator, who has revealed Himself in the Persons of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit.
As a church, we’re growing in our unity, commitment, and love for one another – imaging God who has forever existed in loving community.
We believe in the Deity and sinless humanity of Jesus Christ, his miraculous ministry, his suffering and death on the Cross as our Saviour, and his resurrection from the dead.
As a church, we seek to grow in our love for Jesus as we follow the patterns of his life, death, and resurrection.
We believe that Jesus will return to the earth as the final judge of the living and the dead.
As a church, we seek to live as apprentices to the way and life of Jesus. In that way, we taste in part what will one day be fulfilled when God makes all things new.
We believe that all people fall short of God’s glory and holiness but can freely find forgiveness through faith in the saving work of Jesus Christ.
As a church, we revolve around the transformative love and grace of God. We’re free to confess our failings with one another and with God without the fear of condemnation.
We believe that all people who have put their faith in Christ will experience a transformation of life, exemplified by repentance and holiness.
As a church, we encourage one another to depend on the Holy Spirit’s work in our lives. It’s his joy to make us more like Jesus.
We believe in Baptism for those who have proclaimed faith in Christ.
As a church, we celebrate new life through the symbolic and powerful act of Baptism. This generally involves a lot fun and excitement!
We believe in regularly celebrating Communion in remembrance of Jesus’ saving work on the cross.
As a church, we take communion together once a month on Sunday’s and in our homes as often as we like.
We believe in the miraculous gifts of the Holy Spirit.
As a church, we fully expect God to ‘show up’ and intervene in powerful ways. Each of us are uniquely called and gifted by the Holy Spirit to serve, encourage and bless others.
This Declaration of Faith reflects the beliefs and values expressed in the Charter of CRC Churches International.