Jesus said, “Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.”
And with that he breathed on them and said, “Receive the Holy Spirit.”
John 20:21-22

We are glad to partner with Dignity Freedom Network in prayer and financial support. DFN operates from Australia and New Zealand, providing practical care and support for oppressed peoples in South Asia. DFN desires to see marginalised communities set free through education, healthcare and empowerment. DFN hold regular prayer meetings, if you would like to join one you can send us an email here.

For over a decade, we have partnered with the Rosslee family in Ti Tree, Northern Territory. In that time they have established a church (Ti Tree CRC), own and operate a store which provides goods to local people at reasonable prices, and run various community programs with a focus on physical and spiritual wellbeing. Their relationship with the people of Ti Tree has grown stronger with each year. They have become pillars of the community and a safe place for people in need. Each year we send teams to provide practical and ministry support. If you’d like to be involved or know more, click the button below.

We happily support various missionaries and ministry throughout Africa and South Asia. Due to the sensitive nature of this work, we’re unable to post all the details online. However, if you would like more information about how to support our Allied Missions, click the button below to email our Missions Co-ordinators.