Our women’s group meets fortnightly at the Bridge – counselling room or lounge areas. It is the perfect meeting place for us as it provides us with a convenient, quiet, comfortable, and safe place to meet. This is important so that all of us can share freely, encourage, and pray for each other. It is also devoid of all the distractions that our homes can carry – for women this is a huge benefit to meeting outside of our home. So thankful and blessed to have this space. Since the pandemic, our group has gone through many changes with regard to members. This year we have been learning to reconnect with each other in-person. Community group participation has had a positive flow-on effect on Sunday morning attendance. Its really nice when a few of us meet up after the service - one lady commented ‘I really feel like I belong now’ and she has been coming to CCH for several years. There’s definitely a stronger sense of belonging within our community group now.   

  • Patricia Uren 


The Girls on Tuesday group meets every Tuesday of the school terms at 10am.  We start with a cuppa and chat with each other.  At around 10.30am we go into 3 different groups for study and prayer together and finish by 12pm. At the end of each term we have a Cafe morning where we usually have a guest speaker, not necessarily from CCH, where we hear what others are doing in our world. 

As CCH is a very generous and giving church, so too are the Girls.  We have a non-obligatory offering of a gold coin donation where we pay for the rent of the sewing ladies in India, usually about $600 per annum.  This year we had $1000 and so we gave $700 to the sewing ladies, and $150 to DFN and OM Ukraine appeal.  They have also donated to other needy causes within the Girls group. 

God is also leading some of the Girls to be pastoral in caring for the needs of some of our older ladies. We believe that God is blessing this ministry and look forward to encouraging more inter-generational participation. 

  • Heather Bishop